EPF/1991/09 - Mr. R. Bixby, 8a Crows Road, Epping - Conversion of garage into habitable room. Contrary to condition 3 of planning permission EPF/1050/00.
EPF/1994/09 - Bellway Homes Essex, Plots 3 to 6 Kings Wood Park, St. Margaret’s Hospital, Epping - Erection of four detached houses (re-design of the approved Type A house).
EPF/1995/09 - Bellways Homes Essex, Plots 57 to 61 and 64 to 65, Kings Wood Park, St. Margaret’s Hospital, Epping - Erection of four detached houses (re-design of the approved Type A house).
EPF/1998/09 - Mr. B. Honey, 47 Allnuts Road, Epping - Erection of rear extension to replace conservatory and conversion of loft and rear dormer. Pitched roof to existing flat roof bathroom, gable end to main roof in place of hipped end.
EPF/2015/09 - Epping Forest District Council, Condor Building, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping - Replacement of single glazed window units and non-thermally insulated cladding panels with double glazing units and insulated infill panels.
TPO/EPF/1963/09 - Mr. R. Hunt, 2 & 3 Bury Farm Cottages, Bury Lane, Epping - TPO/EPF/21/02 T2, T7 and T8 Ash Fell. T5 Ash 25% crown reduction.
EPF/2018/09 - Ascham Homes, 45 Rayfield, Epping - Single storey side and rear extension and loft conversion with rear dormer window.
EPF/2043/09 (Revised Application) - McCarthy & Stone, Site of 19-23 High Street, Epping - Erection of temporary McCarthy & Stone information advertisements on one sign board and on front boundary hording for up to 3 years.
EPF/1917/09 - Mr. & Mrs. J. Firman, Roscommon, Hemnall Street, Epping - Single story side extensions.
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