Aside from all of the reasons local people are hearing from David Cameron as to why you should vote Conservative on Thursday 6th May, there are many reasons, I believe, you should support our local Conservative candidate, Eleanor Laing.

Eleanor has served as the Member of Parliament in Epping Forest for the past 13 years helping literally thousands of local residents as and when they face issues. More than that though, Eleanor has acted as an ambassador for Epping Forest nationally fighting hard against Government proposals which will negatively effect our day-to-day lives. She has also served in a variety of roles within the Shadow Front Bench team, creating Conservative Party policies and holding the Government to account in key areas.
ne of Eleanor’s greatest battles as our MP, has been to protect the Green Belt which is constantly under threat from development. Very recently, Eleanor has worked hard to ensure that Green Belt land locally does not become the home of large groups of Gypsy and Traveller families. In a recent Residents Survey, Eleanor has explained: “David Cameron has promised a total change of direction on planning policy for gypsies and travellers if
we win the election. There will be no more regional or national planning control. Decisions will be taken at local level - where people know what is best for their own community. So, get rid of Gordon Brown and we also get rid of the plans for more gypsy and traveller sites in Epping Forest.”
For those of you wishing to read more information about Eleanor and her work as an MP, you will find her voting record in the House of Commons here. The Early Day Motions she has supported here. The speeches she has made at debates here. The written questions she has submitted to Ministers here and a list of her Parliamentary expenses here.
For campaign related information, you can logon to Eleanor’s website here or download a copy of her Election Address here. Alternatively, you can become friends with Eleanor on Facebook here.
what about having a second home in london and making money from it instead of commuting like the rest of us on the tube? pretty damn good reason not to vote for her!