Epping Forest College in Loughton has been reclassified in a recently published OFSTED report, which grades the college as “satisfactory” from its former “inadequate” classification.
In the report, OFTSED Inspector, Lindsay Hebditch states: “The college has recovered well since its previous inspection when overall effectiveness was judged inadequate. The majority of its provision is now satisfactory, and improving. Staff morale is high and the majority of learners work hard and are happy.”
The report singles out Jeannie Wright, the college’s interim principal, and the new senior
management at the college for special praise in turning round poor results. Ms. Wright explained: “Staff have a great deal to be proud of. They have worked extremely hard since the last inspection to drive through significant improvements. We are already working on the inspectors’ recommendations of what we need to do to secure further improvement. Our staff are committed to further progress.”
The college has an Open Event on Saturday, June 26, from 10am to 2pm and is taking applications until September 2010 for courses where places are still available. For further information call 020 8502 8778.
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