Tuesday 1 June 2010


Today, it is with pleasure I wholeheartedly applaud Epping Forest’s neighbouring MP, the Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles, our newly appointed Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, who has sent a very clear message out to troublemaking Gypsies and Travellers that: “The good times are over.”

After years of setting up illegal campsites by exploiting legal loopholes, the Gypsy and traveller community have been told they have reached the end of the road – and that includes “Bank Holiday land-grabs”. Tough new legislation will create a criminal offence of intentional trespass. Travellers who refuse to move could be arrested by police or forcibly evicted. Travellers will be labelled “trespassers” if they set up home on other people’s land. Those who actually buy plots of land, often in Green Belt country, then begin building work before applying for retrospective planning permission will find that loophole closed.

So many times in the past, we have seen travellers move on to sites late on Fridays when councils close for a Bank Holiday weekend. They started building the next day, then apply for retrospective planning permission. If they failed to secure it, they often claimed their human rights as travellers were being infringed.

I have spent a great deal of time speaking with Eric on these issues over the past couple of years and he promised that should a Conservative Government be elected, they would deliver – and they have! He has explained today that: “The last government’s policies have undermined community relations and increased tensions. We will work to tackle the legitimate sense of injustice.”

In a letter to local council’s Eric explained: “I am writing to you today to highlight our commitment in the coalition agreements where we very clearly set out our intention to rapidly abolish Regional Strategies and return decision making powers on housing and planning to local councils. Consequently, decisions on housing supply (including the provision of travellers sites) will rest with Local Planning Authorities without the framework of regional numbers and plans.”

Epping Forest District Council Leader, Cllr. Mrs. Di Collins responded saying: "This is great news. It means the end for the deeply unpopular Government Directive that effectively forced the Council and our residents into one of the most prolonged, expensive and bureaucratic consultations our residents have ever had to endure. It was disliked by everyone including our local Gypsy and Travelling community and it will be a great relief for everyone to know we will now see the back of it. I applaud Eric Pickles for his swift action."

Under existing legislation, Epping Forest District Council is required to find 34 Gypsy and Traveller pitches by 2011 through a formal consultation process. Thankfully, it is now almost certain that these plans will be scrapped. This is a great day for the many thousands of local people who have campaigned so hard for fairness in our community. I congratulate you all.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot understand why you think the scrapping of the Traveller pitches is reason to be 'thankful'. Seems a slightly cynical and misanthropic terminology considering the consequences to these familes. Do you regard their need (and indeed human right) for somewhere to live as an infringement of others rights? If so, how is this manifest?
    Isn't it more accurate to describe laws which prohibit gypsies from living as they choose as evidence of a flawed and inadequate system? You seem eager to enforce a philosophy which makes no sense to begin with.

    Doug Montgomery
