Following a recent meeting of the Epping Forest Highways Panel on 22nd June, Essex County Council’s Highways Department are continuing to pursue opportunities for delivery under the ‘Highways Rangers’ service. As part of this project, Epping Town Council (alongside other Council’s in the district) have been requested to identify suitable works which may be carried out to improve areas which the highways department are directly responsible. The issued raised by all of the local councils will be prioritised and a draft works programme will be created. Of course, not every suggestion will be carried out in this round of work, but you have to be in it to win it as they say!
The sort of work that can be carried out by Highways Rangers includes:
* Cleaning and minor repairs to non-electrical road signs
* Cleaning and minor repairs to street furniture
* Reinstatement of posts and bollards (minimal excavation)
* Trimming of vegetation and removal of arisings
* Adhoc grass cutting and strimming
* Localised cleaning and minor excavation of roadside grips
* Removal of graffiti from, or painting of, ‘municipal’ street furniture such as litter bins, street nameplates and seats, etc.
* Removal of weeds or vegetation from pavements
* Scavenging and removal of deposits and small fly tips from highway land
* Removal of illegal signs and fly posting
Please let me know any ideas you have by Friday 9th July to Please note that the Range will not deal with issues involving private property.