The sort of work that can be carried out by Highways Rangers includes:
* Cleaning and minor repairs to non-electrical road signs
* Cleaning and minor repairs to street furniture
* Reinstatement of posts and bollards (minimal excavation)
* Trimming of vegetation and removal of arisings
* Adhoc grass cutting and strimming
* Localised cleaning and minor excavation of roadside grips
* Removal of graffiti from, or painting of, ‘municipal’ street furniture such as litter bins, street nameplates and seats, etc.
* Removal of weeds or vegetation from pavements
* Scavenging and removal of deposits and small fly tips from highway land
* Removal of illegal signs and fly posting
Please let me know any ideas you have by Friday 9th July to allaboutepping@googlemail.com Please note that the Range will not deal with issues involving private property.
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