Friday 9 April 2010


Once again this week, the area surrounding our town’s War Memorial in Church Hill has been damaged by lorries who use the small road around the memorial as a place to turn.

In the last two months there has been six vehicles to get stuck on the green, often damaging the stone path leading to the memorial.

Epping Town Council are committed to improving the rather sorry state of Epping’s War Memorial and its immediate surroundings. As such, it is reaching out to District and County Council colleagues, as well as the Corporation of the City of London (who own the green on which the memorial sits) in an attempt to draw-up a plan for improvement. Further updates on this important area of our town will follow in due course…

1 comment:

  1. For a start, why does there have to be two roads going over this green? Traffic could easily cope with just one, and this would also prevent large vehicles ruining this piece of land.
