Some residents that I have spoken to have been angry that the club is shut. Some have said good reddens. Some don’t understand why One9Five is closed, but The Edge is still open. Some still think someone was killed! Many are just concerned that not enough information has been made public and that the licensing committee has decided to review the matter in private instead of in a public committee setting. However we look at this situation, lots of residents seem to have an opinion and I believe it is very important that your opinions are heard on this matter and that your concerns are taken into account by the committee prior to any final decision

You can do so by writing to: Kim Tuckey, Licensing Section, Epping Forest District Council, High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ or by emailing ktuckey@eppingforestdc.gov.uk All responses must be received by TUESDAY 13th OCTOBER 2009.
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