The membership of the Epping Forest Conservative Association tonight returned a massive vote of confidence in Epping Forest MP, Eleanor Laing and rejected a motion to deselect her as their Member of Parliament. Eleanor won both a vote of confidence and a motion to deselect her by a substantial margin, (164 votes for, 32 against, 1 abstention giving a 83% return). Many members spoke highly of Eleanor for not only the good work she has done over the past 12 years but the support she is able to give as a sitting MP in the future.
This follows months of speculation and innuendo that the membership no longer had confidence in her following the MP's expenses scandal. The meeting was attended by 200 members of Epping Forest Conservative Association as well as regional officers from the Conservative Party and the Party's National Chairman, Eric Pickles MP, who was sent by Leader David Cameron to support Mrs. Laing. Mr. Pickles described Eleanor as "an outstanding woman, an excellent Member of Parliament and a key player in the next Conservative Government."When asked how she viewed the result Eleanor said:
“I am happy that this matter can now be put to behind us and I can get on with the job of representing ALL my constituents, I have always said that
I did nothing wrong but accept that the whole MP's expenses issue has made many of the electorate very angry with MP's in general and I endorse that view. Hopefully we can now concentrate on our task in hand to remove the Labour government and return David Cameron into office and get the country back on it's feet again. I will continue to work hard for the residents of Epping Forest as I have always done and look forward to meeting many of you on the door step over the next few months.”
Eleanor Laing has launched a new 'Misperceptions v's Facts' sheet, which you can find by clicking here.
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