“Dear Ben,
I understand that there is to be a Special General Meeting of Epping Forest Conservative Association on Monday 26th October to hold a vote of confidence in your Member of Parliament, Eleanor Laing. I am just writing to say that I sincerely hope that you will support Eleanor Laing at that meeting.
The issue of MPs’ expenses has been very damaging to politics. I have tried to make sure that the Conservative Party, and Conservative MPs, have responded to the public’s anger about what has happened, and I have taken a very firm line in cases where that has been necessary.
In Eleanor’s case, however, I want to make clear that she offered to make a substantial voluntary repayment at her own initiative, which she felt was the right thing to do under the circumstances. This should not be held against Eleanor. I too have made a voluntary repayment. What Eleanor has done is an indication that she, like the rest of the Party, takes the expenses issue extremely seriously. As you know, Sir Thomas Legg has written to Eleanor making clear that she has no issues to answer in relation to her expenses.
Eleanor works hard both as a Member of Parliament and as a member of my Front bench as Shadow Justice Minister. As we approach the General Election, it is very important that we pull together as a single team, and focus relentlessly on winning that election.
I want to make clear that Eleanor has my full support. I hope very much that you will go to the meeting on Monday, and vote for Eleanor to continue as your Member of Parliament, in the interests of both Epping Forest and of the Conservative Party.
Yours ever,
David Cameron"
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