5 to 9 year olds are being asked to colour in the illustration of a garden pond which can be downloaded here. There are 4 animals for you to find and identify.
10 to 16 year olds are being asked to draw or design a leaflet on one of the Four Species Groups: Newts (Urodeles), Frogs and Toads (Anurans), Snakes (Serpentes) or Lizards (Sauria). Artwork should be no larger than A4 and be as informative as possible, describing the animals, their habitats and their role in our environment, giving advice on how to encourage them to live in safety within our gardens.
Send your entries to: The Animal Welfare Service, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ together with your name address telephone number and age. Mark your envelope “Wildlife Competition.” The closing date for entries is 1st October 2009. Competition guidelines and rules can be found by clicking here.
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