Epping Forest MP, Eleanor Laing has written to the Secretary of State for Health, Rt. Hon. Andy Burnham MP, following the publication of guidelines to NHS practitioners, stating: "There is already considerable pressure on GPs and my local hospital as well as a severe shortage of dentists in the Epping Forest district. In addition the Government is ordering Epping Forest district to provide 39 new pitches for gypsies and travellers between now and 2011. Indeed, the district is required to provide more sites (44.7 per 1,000 new dwellings) in relation to new dwellings than any other local authority in the East of England. This disproportionate requirement would have put impossible pressure on the infrastructure of the area even before the publication of today’s guidelines. On average there are two caravans per pitch, which could amount to up to 500 gypsies and travellers moving into Epping

Mrs Laing has also asked Mr Burnham to confirm what additional resources will be made available to the district's health services to enable them to carry out the extra statutory responsibilities being imposed on them and stated: "We all agree that gypsies and travellers must be treated equally in accessing NHS services, but attempts to create a balanced and integrated society, including within it gypsies and travellers, will be damaged if local people see their own families suffer as a result of the Government giving priority to gypsies and travellers." A full copy of the letter is available here.
If you would like to join the campaign to oppose the Governments plans to introduce new Gypsy and Traveller sites in Epping, please click here. Alternatively, you can keep up-to-date with developments by clicking here.
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